Medicines classification is particularly important in hospital practice as it provides structured and standardized information to support clinical decision-making and the management of hospital therapy. Coding of drugs and medical devices is a fundamental aspect of health information management that provides standardization, facilitates communication between health professionals, and improves the management of drug and medical resources. There are different coding systems that classify medicines and medical devices based on various criteria such as chemical composition, therapeutic use, and risk level. Their review aims to extract the characteristics of drug classification systems and identify their main applications in drug management processes.
National Drug Code Directory,
Maeda K, Hisaka A, Ito K, Ohno Y, Ishiguro A, Sato R, Nagai N. Classification of drugs for evaluating drug interaction in drug development and clinical management. Drug Metab Pharmacokinet. 2021;41:100414. doi: 10.1016/j.dmpk.2021.100414
Safdari, R., Esmaeili, M., Marashi Shooshtari, S. S., Javanmard, Z. Drug classification systems: Applications and characteristics. Health Management & Information Science, 2021;8(3):149-158. doi: 10.30476/jhmi.2022.91329.1083
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WHO. The ATC/DDD Methodology,
Kopp-Kubel S. International Nonproprietary Names (INN) for pharmaceutical substances. Bulletin of the World Health Organization. 1995;73:275-9.
Gopakumar K, Syam N. International Nonproprietary Names and Trademarks: A Public Health Perspective. The Journal of World Intellectual Property. 2008;11:63-104. doi: 10.1111/j.1747-1796.2008.00335.x.
WHO. Guidance on the use of International Nonproprietary Names (INNs), 12 July 2017,
Aronson JK, Heneghan C, Ferner RE. Medical devices: definition, classification, and regulatory implications. Drug safety. 2020;43(2):83-93. doi: 10.1007/s40264-019-00878-3
Anand K, Veermaram C, Saini SK, Singh BK. Global medical device nomenclature: The concept for reducing device-related medical errors. Journal of Young Pharmacists. 2010;2(4):403-9. doi: 10.4103/0975-1483.71637
Medical devices: Nomenclature syste,, p.1
Iadanza E, Cerofolini S, Lombardo C, Satta F, Gherardelli M. Medical devices nomenclature systems: a scoping review. Health and Technology. 2021;11:1-12. doi: 10.1007/s12553-021-00567-1
Global Medical Device Nomenclature (GMDN),
Петкова П, Григоров Е, Салчев П, Гетов И. (2023). Анализ на съдържанието на новоприетата Европейска номенклатура на медицински изделия. Осми конгрес по фармация смеждународно участие. к.к. Боровец, България. Електронна книга с абстракти от конгреса (ISBN 978-954-8137-16-4) DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.8372078.
Fenton S, Stanfill M, Giannangelo K. An ICD for the Digital World: What Does the ICD-11 Research Show?. Studies in health technology and informatics. 2024;310:58-62. doi: 10.3233/SHTI230927
European Medical Device Nomenclature (EMDN),
New European medical device regulation: How the French ecosystem should seize the opportunity of the EUDAMED and the UDI system, while overcoming the constraints thereof
SNOMED CT Browser,
Reference Guide,
МЗ. Наредба № 42 от 8 декември 2004 г. за въвеждане на класификационни статистически системи за кодиране на болестите и проблемите, свързани със здравето, и на медицинските процедури (Обн. ДВ. бр.111 от 21.12.2004г.)