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Biomedical Reviews

Investigation of soluble adhesion molecules in cancer: beneficial approach or expensive toy? The case of intercellular adhesion molecule-1 (sICAM-1)

Kay M. Reinhardt, Dagmar Zillig, W. Brinckmann, Beate Krammer, Andrew D. Blann, Michael Steiner


Adhesion molecules are key topobiological components in almost any kind of cell-cell and cell-matrix interaction in both human physiology and pathology. Heterogeneous processes as platelet adhesion to subendothelial matrix components or leukocyte extravasation at sites of tissue damage are at least in part mediated by adhesion molecules and their corresponding receptors (counter receptors). Using a multitude of modem analytical and preparative approaches ranging from "simple" immunohistochemistry to cloning and gene transfer, in vitro studies provided detailed data on a variety of adhesion molecules and their receptors. However, compared to the speedy accumulation of basic knowledge the evaluation of the diagnostic usefulness of adhesion molecules is still in its infancy.

Biomedical Reviews 1994; 3: 73-75.

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About The Authors

Kay M. Reinhardt
University of Rostock

Dagmar Zillig
University of Rostock

W. Brinckmann
University of Rostock

Beate Krammer
University of Rostock

Andrew D. Blann
University Hospital of South Manchester
United Kingdom

Michael Steiner
University of Rostock

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