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Biomedical Reviews

"Sorry, I did not read this article": a missing link between the Nobel prize committee and scientists

George N. Chaldakov


We, at the Bulgarian Society for Cell Biology and Biomedical Reviews, support the petition of the Romanian scientist Gheorghe Benga (see pages ix-xi), to be appreciated as a discoverer of the first water channel protein, later named aquaporin 1 (see Dance Round on pages 107-112). Instead, the Nobel Committee did honor Peter Agre, not Benga, with the Nobel Prize-2003. In fact, both Benga and Agre should be jointly awarded a Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine (not for chemistry, as being judged for Agre). Actually, both scientists are leading "aqueous" peers with one difference between them: Benga was responsible for the discovery work that led to the concept of the plasma membrane's water channel proteins, whereas Agre furthered the story.

Biomedical Reviews 2006; 17: viii.

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About The Author

George N. Chaldakov
Medical University of Varna

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