Recent seminal papers in adipose tissue launched a new integrating discipline designated "adipobiology". Here we provide a retrospective problem-oriented search in MEDLINE and EMBASE databases available through OVID in 1980-2005; available papers published in 2006/2007 were also pursued. The following terms were used as key words during the information retrieval: adipose tissue, adipokine(s), adipocytokine(s), adipsin, adiponectin, and leptin. Although these adipocentric publications are easy to find in Internet browsers worldwide, we detected the term of "adipobiology" in a couple of biomedical databases only. Obviously, much remains to be done in order to attract the efforts of a rapidly increasing scientific community to the establishment and successful institutionalization of this discipline facing the requirements of knowledge-based, information-driven society of the new millennium. From a scientometric point of view, the present Dance Round describes some aspects of the dynamic growth of the world publication output in basic, translational and clinical adipobiology as compared with some other recently emerged topics, and traces some elements of its future development.
Biomedical Reviews 2006; 17: 111-116.