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Colchicine and therapy of cardiovascular disease: Not merely a theory

George N. Chaldakov, Maria D. Zhelyazkova-Savova, Daniela Panayotova, Anton B. Tonchev, Manlio Vinciguerra, Stanislav G. Yanev, Marco Fiore, Peter Ghenev


The cytoskeleton is a sophisticated cellular system consisted of actin filaments, intermediate filaments and microtubules (MT) accompanied by a large number of associated structural and motor proteins. Microtubules are dynamically assembling and disassembling structures. They are pivotal for many cell functions, e.g. intracellular traffic of membrane-bound organelles in endocytosis and protein secretion, also a variety of inflammatory and signal transduction pathways. Tubulin is the major building protein of MT. Depended on doses, agents that bind to tubulin inhibit its assembly, that is, MT formation, or disas-semble the preformed MT. Such tubulin-binding agents are named MT-disassembling agents or antitululins, colchicine being a classical member of these agents. Herein, we describe in brief the scientific saga of colchicine as related to the therapy of car-diovascular diseases such as acute coronary syndromes, myocardial infarction, atrial fibrillation, pericarditis, and hypertrophic cardiomyopathy.


colchicine, microtubules, tubulin, antitubulins, cardiovascular diseases, therapy, concept

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About The Authors

George N. Chaldakov
Departments of Anatomy and Cell Biology and Translational Stem Cell Biology, Research Institute, Medical University, Varna, Bulgaria

Maria D. Zhelyazkova-Savova
Department of Preclinical and Clinical Pharmacology, Medical University, Varna, Bulgaria

Daniela Panayotova
Cardiology Division, Department of Cardiac Surgery, University St Marina Hospital, Varna, Bulgaria

Anton B. Tonchev
Departments of Anatomy and Cell Biology and Translational Stem Cell Biology, Research Institute, Medical University, Varna, Bulgaria

Manlio Vinciguerra
Department of Translational Stem Cell Biology, Research Institute, Medical University, Varna, Bulgaria

Stanislav G. Yanev
Institute of Neurobiology, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia, Bulgaria

Marco Fiore
Institute of Biochemistry and Cell Biology, CNR, Rome, Italy

Peter Ghenev
Department of General and Clinical Pathology, Medical University, Varna, Bulgaria

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