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Bulgarian Review of Ophthalmology

Physiological changes of the visual system during pregnancy

K. Trifonova, G. Jordanov, J. Jordanov, K. Trifonova, K. Slaveykov


Introduction: Visual system goes through several physiological changes during pregnancy that should be recognized because in most cases they are harmless and reversible.

Aims and tasks: To make a literature review of the physiological ocular changes, that can occur during pregnancy.

Methods and materials: Literature review

Results: The most often and definite changes during pregnancy are lowering of intraocular pressure as well worsening of tear ? lm quality. Many changes of the cornea are shown in different studies including decreasing of its sensitivity, increasing of its thickness and curvature. Often the results are contradictory. Changes in refraction are mainly in myopisation and loss of accommodation.

Conclusion: We need to know the effects of pregnancy on vision in order to avoid unnecessary treatment when the changes are physiological. The effects of pregnancy on visual system need to be better investigated and in the context of an existing pathological state they could give us more information about the causes and treatment of some diseases.


pregnancy; effects; visual system

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About The Authors

K. Trifonova
Trakia University, Medical Faculty, Stara Zagora, Department of Ophthalmology and general medicine

G. Jordanov
Trakia University, Medical Faculty, Stara Zagora, Department of Ophthalmology and general medicine

J. Jordanov
Trakia University, Medical Faculty, Stara Zagora, Department of Ophthalmology and general medicine

K. Trifonova
Trakia University, Medical Faculty, Stara Zagora, Department of Physiology and Pathophysiology

K. Slaveykov
Trakia University, Medical Faculty, Stara Zagora, Department of Ophthalmology and general medicine
