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Bulgarian Review of Ophthalmology

Maximum motor fusion test in determining the target angle for surgical treatment of esotropia

G. Dimitrova, B. Mihaylova


The greatest challenge for successfu1 treatment of esotropia is determining the target angle of deviation (the angle to bе operated on). Lots of factors have influence on the surgical decision - age, refraction error, accommodation/convergence ratio (angle of deviation for distance, near, with and without glasses). Aim of this study is to analyze the role of maximum motor fusion test (ММFТ) in planning the amount of surgery for the best outcome of esotropia treatment. Materials and methods: 200 patients with alternating/altenated esotropia were operated for the period of 2000-2014. Bilateral medial rectus muscle recessions were performed in 170 patients (З40 eyes). ЗО patients underwent unilateral large recession of medial rectus muscle. Diagnostic, surgical and statistical methods were used. Results: MMFT was done in 77.4% patients. They had significantly better alignment for distant and near as compared to those, whose surgery was planned only according to alternating prism cover test. Conclusion: The MMFT is a reliable test to insure enhanced surgery with decrease of residual angle and without risk of surgical overcorrection.


test of maximum motor fusion; large bimedial recessions; residual angle; surgical overcorrection; enhanced surgery

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About The Authors

G. Dimitrova
Department of Ophthalmology, Medical University - Sofia, Alexandrovska University Hospital, Sofia

B. Mihaylova
Department of Ophthalmology, Medical University - Sofia, Alexandrovska University Hospital, Sofia
