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Анализ на резултатите на анкета за качеството на web - базиран курс по биохимия за студенти медици в СУ „Св. Кл. Охридски`

Eмилия Стоименова, Симона Стойкова


In recent years, blended learning courses, in which part of the attendant classes have been replaced by web-based learning, become more and more popular. In our study, this type of education was applied in biochemistry course of medical students at Sofia University "St. Kl. Ohridski". The practical part of the biochemistry students' education includes laboratory practices, theoretical seminars, discussion of clinical cases and colloquiums for ongoing control. Time is always limited in attendant classes, so some of these were carried out on the eLearning page of Sofia University - After the end of the course a survey was conducted to assess the quality of the elements of the biochemistry course and some the results were summarized in the present paper.


blended learning, medical biochemistry, survey analysis

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