The current research work focuses its attention on the use of euphemisms and dysphemisms in the field of communication in the clinical specialized assistance. An emphasis is placed on the dynamic processes of euphemization and dysphemization of words and expressions used frequently in the medical practice. In this work are examined the effects on the patient's consciousness and emotional state, arising from the manner in which the physician presents the information about his or her health status and the subsequent treatment: manipulations, therapy, diagnosis, forecast for outcome of the disease. An attention is drawn to the use of euphemisms and dysphemisms as part of the medical jargon in the oral communication between the medical specialists in the course of their daily work. An analysis was made on data from a survey conducted among 50 physicians and nurses from Multi-Profile Hospital for Active Treatment "St. Anna" and University Multi-Profile Hospital for Active Treatment "St. Marina" - the city of Varna. Subject of the development work are the stylistic and pragmatic characteristics of the euphemisms and dyspheemas in the medical practice. Subject of the research work are the functions of the euphemisms and dysphemisms when used by physicians in their formal and informal communication at the workplace as well as in the communication between the physician and the patient. The purpose of the research work is to examine the stylistic features and linguistic functions of the euphemisms and dysphemisms in the modern medical practice and to assess the appropriateness of their use with a view to their impact on the emotional state of the patient.
euphemisms, dysphemisms, communication
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