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Стратегии за комуникационно въздействие на телевизионната реклама на лекарства

Силвена Ставрева-Доростолска


The modern media industry, and in particular the television market, is the main source of information for the mass audience. In the context of increasingly acute and increasing competition between different pharmaceutical companies, and in an attempt to gain the largest possible market share in the sale of medicinal products, various strategies for communication impact on potential clients are being implemented. Television as an electronic media provides to pharmaceutical companies a modern technology sector to achieve maximum marketing impact through the advertising of medicines, influencing the perceptions and feelings of the audience. The television advertising of medicines activates the five senses of the person and thus creates the conditions for an interaction in which the potential patient is not only a consumer of a particular commodity but also a consumer. As the advertising of medicinal products is subject to restrictive legal regulation, the pharmaceutical business, using classical marketing strategies, relies on linguistic and imaging means that function simultaneously at different levels in the communicative process - psycho-emotional, cognitive, social. Strategies for communication impact on the public are focused on the realization of the three main functions of TV advertising - informative, expressive and persuasive.


media industry; strategies for communication; the advertising of medicines; interaction; communicative process

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