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Метаезикът в българското речево общуване

Марияна Стефанова


The starting point in the article is the view that metalinguistic research seeks ways for clarifying the mechanisms of perceiving language, as well as the reflexive attitude of the participants in the communication in regard with language facts and their use and application.

The suggested studies are based on the statement that language code is universal, and it is capable of sending forward both kinds of content information - language information and meta-information. Taking this into account, the Bulgarian metacode is examined, so as to develop its theory because the discovery and recording of the meta-code elements would help linguists to better get to know the natural language as an act of a universal code in the communication process.

As a result from the work on the topic, the conclusion is reached that the study of the language messages structure is an important step forward to their modelling. And rendering an account of the meta-language in these messages would give the language individual an opportunity for effective and successful communicative participation in speech communication.


metalanguage, speech communication, meta-information, meta-code, communication

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