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Социокултурният подход и игровите технологии в преподаването на темата „Болести. Лечение` на българските студенти русисти

Ирина Манова


This articale`s main object is the use of game technologies and of a sociocultural approach in the educational process. The author`s objective is to draw the attention of the readers to the author`s own experience in working with Bulgarian and foreign students who study Russian as a foreign language. These future teachers, lecturers, translators and interpreters have begun to benefit from the games and the sociocultural approach during claasses, for example, when studying the Russian words for diseases, instruments, the differents areas of medecine and the vocabulary used when going to the doctor etc. In this way, the lecturer is able to create a nice atmosphere in the class, to help students improve their memory and to enhance the intercultural exchange between them.


Russian language, medecine, game technologies, sociocultural approach.

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