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Комуникативният подход в обучението по специализиран испански език

Aксиния Oбрешкова


Communicative approach is based on the idea that language is communication. The purpose of foreign language education is to develop language competence. Communicative competence comprises several components: linguistic, sociolinguistic and pragmatic. It is assumed that each of these components include knowledge, skills and abilities. Processes of teaching and learning are the essential part of teaching a language for special purposes that support the acquisition of specialized communication, ie the language used by professionals who work in a particular field or operate in a particular academic discipline. Since the objective of teaching language for special purposes is communicative competence, teaching is considered on the basis of statements (written or oral) inherent in every area affected in the process. The most effective didactic methods for the realization of these courses are usually based on activity-oriented approach and the simulation. The use of activity-oriented approach in teaching a foreign language has its advantages, as well as other methods used. What sets it apart, however, is the exchange of roles between teacher and students in the learning process. Communicative competence consists in the ability of a person to behave appropriately in a particular communicative situation and in particular linguistic community.


communicative approach, communicative competence, Spanish for special purposes

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Агире 2000: Aguirre Beltrán, Blanca El español para la comunicación profesional. Enfoque y orientaciones didácticas. Actas del Primer Congreso Internacional de Es-pañol para Fines Específicos. Amsterdam.

Кънал 1980: Canale, M., M. Swain Theoretical bases of communicative approaches to second language teaching and testing // Applied Linguistics, 1, 1-47.

Перис 2001: Martín Perís, E. ¿Qué significa trabajar en clase con tareas comunica-tivas? Universidad Pompeu Fabra. Barcelona. GREAL (Grup de Recerca sobre En-senyament i Aprenentatge de Llengües) Llengua i Ús, núm. 21. Barcelona, Direcció General de Política Lingüística. Generalitat de Catalunya.

MCER Marco común europeo de referencia para las lenguas

Мендоса 1996: Mendoza Fillola, A., Armando López, Eloy Martos: Didáctica de la lengua para la enseñanza primaria y secundaria, Madrid, Akal Ediciones.

Хаймс 1972: Hymes, D. On communicative competence, J.B. Pride, J. Holmes (eds.), Sociolinguistics, Penguin, Harmondsworth.


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