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Употреба на латинска анатомична и клинична терминология в учебници по специализирани медицински дисциплини на английски от български автори

Ивана Икономова


:Latin and medical terminology is a compulsory discipline for foreign students trained in English in Bulgaria. Тeaching materials and examples illustrating various grammar units require references to textbooks in different medical disciplines. A corpus of available textbooks, reference books and sample tests in various medical disciplines was studied in view of the use of Latin in textbooks in English written by Bulgarian authors. Researched books are from the following fields: propedeutics of internal diseases, neurology, psychiatry, cardiology, neurosurgery, anatomy, sample tests in anatomy, forensic medicine, medical genetics, physiology, pathophysiology, and toxicology. Textbooks are selected on an arbitrary basis and conclusions cannot be generalized. At the same time, there is uniformity in the use of Latin, which has a representative character. The use of Latin terminology by the authors differs in volume and correctness. Errors in the use of Latin have been investigated in the following areas: spelling mistakes; wrong agreement, use of non-existent form of noun/adjective by analogy; errors in case usage; mistakes in etymologies. There is a tendency for Latin to be completely replaced by English in the various fields of medical knowledge. But Latin is the basis of medical English which justifies the learning of Latin.


Latin and medical terminology, Latin in medical textbooks, errors in use of Latin

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Timonov 2014: Pavel Timonov, Forensic Pathology. Lecture notes and MCQ’s, Lax Book, Plovdiv, 2014

Vankova 2015: M. Vankova, Vankov’s Anatomy – Central Nervous System, Steno publishing house, Varna, 2015

Stoyanova 2014: V. Stoyanova, H. Ivanov, Practical Manual of Medical Genetics, Lax Book, Plovdiv, 2014

Boyadjiev 2012: Seminar Manual of Human Physiology, A practical course for medical students, Edited by prof. Nikolay Boyadjiev, MD, PhD, Aqua Graphics, 2012

Bekyarova 2012: Ganka Bekyarova, Krasimir Hristov, Practical Pathophysiology – topical guideline, Medical University – Varna, 2012

Farlex Partner Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012


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