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Комуникативна компетентност в специализираното обучение

Гергана Фъркова


This study focuses on the methods of modern language teaching and acquisition of related skills for specific vocational purposes. What are the expectations of students and what can stimulate the learning process and increase its efficiency? Intercultural knowledge and complex analysis of culture-based differences in behaviour as it relates to the world of business aids in the delineation and prevention of potential and expected mistakes, misunderstandings or confusion in communication. Further, this knowledge will contribute to the development of practical ideas on how to purposefully use the specific cultural features, which will ultimately lead to synergies and will positively impact the communication between Bulgarian and German partners. The description of both cultures can be used in teaching German, as well as in intercultural training and education of employees: improving their communication and interpersonal skills and increasing the level of empathy, respect, and understanding of other people`s perceptions.


foreign languages teaching, culture, culture-based differences, intercultur-al competence

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