This paper is based on a theoretical model describing communicative competence as a sum of semiotic, sociocultural and strategic competences, and specifies the content of the linguistic, referential, sociolinguistic, discourse, rhetorical, proxemic, pragmatic sub-competences which comprise them in the context of a specialised foreign language, which the foreign language for international relations is. To this end, there have been used theoretical works in the field of specialised language and descriptions of the skills for monological, dialogical speech and writing, as provided for the levels B2 and C1 in the European Language Portfolio for vocational purposes, which is accredited by the Council of Europe. As an opportunity for developing communicative competence in a specialised foreign language and specialised oral communication skills in French for university students in the International Relations speciality in particular, there have been presented the methods for working with audio-visual resources of the French-language television channel TV5 Monde, which provide all the components characteristic of a type of communicative foreign language teaching: working with television reports related to topical specialised subjects, didactic activities which mobilise specialised knowledge, information and means of expression, and encourage interaction among learners, a well-prepared and informed lecturer who directs and creates prerequisites for successful specialised oral communication.
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Интернет сайт на френскоезичния телевизионен канал TV5 MONDE,