Introduction: In the modern stage of community development, immune prophylaxis is a major tool for combating infectious pathology. Mass epidemics of severe contagious diseases, with severe complications and high mortality, such as variola, cholera, plague, diphtheria, typhoid fever, polio and others have remained in the past, thanks to the organized and comprehensive immunoprophylaxis activity among the population at regional, national and global level. The components of the immune prophylaxis system - the effectiveness of vaccine preparations and the level of immunization coverage, dynamically interact and affect population immunity, provide epidemiological well-being with regard to vaccine-preventable infections and manage public health.
Aim: The aim of this paper was to investigate the level of immunization coverage for vaccine-preventable infections in the Varna region for the period 2010-2015 and evaluate its epidemiological significance and impact on public health in the region.
Materials and Methods: Data from the annual information on preventive immunizations and reimmunizations (Form 3.0 - 23a) were used. Epidemiological, mathematical - statistical, graphic and other methods were applied.
Results: After 2010, new modern vaccines and associated vaccine formulations have been introduced into the country's immunization calendar, following the recommendations of the WHO and ECDC. For the period 2010 - 2015 a decrease in the immunization coverage was observed in almost all vaccine-preventable infections. The reasons for the low immunization range are complex: shortage of multi-component vaccines, refusal of parents to immunize their children, failure to appear for the re-immunization of adult contingents, migration of the population, etc.
Conclusion: Achieving a high immunization coverage of the population in Varna region is a guarantee for successful prevention of vaccine-preventable infections.
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