The goal of the current article is to attract the attention of the specialists in Social Medicine and Health Management to the potential of rehabilitation to influence the public health determinants. We present our own opinion on the specificity of the Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine (PRM) program, analyzing traditional clinical and actual social aspects. Author cites some basic contemporaneous concepts in the thematic field of rehabilitation.
According to the definition of the European Union of Medical Specialists - PRM Section: PRM is an
„independent medical specialty, oriented towards the promotion of physical and cognitive functioning, activities (including environment), participation (including quality of life) and changes in personal factors and environment`. The PRM program is concerned with the management of the prevention, diagnostics, treatment and rehabilitation of patients with health-related disability and co-morbidity of all ages.
According the White Book on PRM the basic objective of PRM is the optimization of social participation and the amelioration of the quality of life of patients. The tasks of PRM are: treatment of existing pathology; reduction of disability; prevention and therapy of complications; amelioration of functioning and activity; stimulation of patients` participation in different activities.
The World Report on Disability of the World Health Organization and World Bank defines the goals of rehabilitation as: prevention and slowing the rate of loss of function; improvement, restoration or compensation of lost function; maintenance of current function.
Modern rehabilitation has an integrative and holistic approach to the patient, based on the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF) and on clinical principles.
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