Introduction: Psychosocial risks and stress at the workplace are among the greatest challenges to occupational safety and health.
The aim of the present study is to investigate the socio-psychological factors affecting the psycho-emotional state of the employees at the Cardiology Clinic.
Materials and Methods: Forty-seven people working at the Cardiology Clinic at St. George University Hospital in Plovdiv were examined. The psychometric diagnostic method - Self-Diagnostic Diagnostic Test for Personality and Neuroticity (Assoc. Prof. N. Masoshov, 1982) was used for the purposes of the study.
Results: The prevalence, frequency and severity of stress among the staff at the Cardiology Clinic was significant, with a tendency to increase. The reason was the existence of a number of stressful factors of organizational, professional and social nature that add stress to the already existing level of stress.
Conclusions: Prolonged exposure of workers risk to etiological factors could lead not only to neurotic disorders but also to certain socially significant (mainly psychosomatic) illnesses.
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