Introduction: Due to the considerable increase of the number and frequency of natural and anthropogenic catastrophes in the last few years there have been significant human and economic losses. The assessment of the disaster risk plays an important role in the adequate organization of the rescue operations and the disaster resilience.
Materials and Methods: Following researches, analysis, studies and forecasts by the European Commission, the United Nations, and other different research institutes and organizations, it is highlighted that the highest risks for the European Union, and particulary for Bulgaria, are floods, earthquakes, fires, temperature abnormalities, etc.
Results and Discussion: The risk of disasters is perceived as a possible loss of life, injuries and damage due to an incident hazard.
The typical disaster losses and impact are related both to the hazard event itself and, to a large extent, to the exposure and vulnerability of people and places.
This poses a serious challenge to the public health and healthcare structures rendering the help. To meet these challenges, risk awareness and pre-trainings are needed.
Conclusion: Disaster risk is a concept for future hazards and their impact on the society. For Bulgaria the main risks are related to disasters as extreme weather events, earthquakes and etc. Disaster risk management is an essential part of the overall disaster protection strategy.
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