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Екипност, приемственост и професионално израстване при лекари и медицински сестри работещи в болничната среда

Ст. Попова, Л. Георгиева, И. Мирчева, K. Докова


The organization of the health care processes in the present society interrupts the tradition of individual work of medical doctors and creates requirements for teamwork between medical and non-medical proffesionals.

With the aim to to investigate the professional development in relation to teamwork and continuity between hospital departments a study was carried out among 26.9 % (representative sample) of doctors and 24.3% of nurses, working in a multiprofile hospitals for active treatment in Varna, Dobrich and Shumen. The information was collected through structured questionnaires.

Mutual respect and recognition of professional autonomy are facts for 63.64% of medical doctors. In contrast to doctors, nurses are not satisfied with the respect and recognition of autonomy, which they receive. A big proportion of nurses (41.6%) have the opinion that the nursing profession is neglected and undervalued. The majority of the doctors (69.3%) and nurses (81.0%) express an agreement with the increasing autonomy of nursing activities as a part of the evolution of the professional team.

Тhe opinion that there is a low level of continuity between generations is dominant among doctors (84.5%) and nurses (77.9%). There is a lack of care for the professional development of younger specialists. The yongest of the medical doctors express the opinion that the high competition hinders continuity.

Despite the negative aspects of work related to organization and financing, more than half of the doctors (64.4%) and nurses (59.4%) work with pleasure, which indicates that the medical proffesion brings satisfaction regardless of the existing problems.

Teamwork, continuity and care for the professional development of young specialists determine the psychological climate in the department and influence work efficiency.

The care towards yournger generations of professionals should be provided not only by their senior colleagues and administrative body but also by the Minsitry of Health, the Bulgarian Medical Association and medical universities in order to overcome the existing difficulties in the organization of postgraduate education and specialization.


teamwork; continuity; professional development; doctors; nurses

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