Introduction: Teachers are a key participant in the education process. Their experience and qualification determine the quality of education in every higher school. The student-teacher feedback is becoming its main measure. For the most efficient processing of the collected information, modern information and communication technologies are used.
Aim: The aim is to examine the teachers' attitude towards the use of an information system for assessment and monitoring of the quality of education.
Materials and Methods: The study is based on a direct anonymous survey among 211 teachers at the Medical University-Plovdiv, conducted in March-April 2017.
Results: The majority of the respondents (82.0%; n = 173) give a positive answer to the question `Would you sign up for a web-based module for assessing the quality of education at the Medical University-Plovdiv?`. A great number of them would use a mobile application for filling out a survey in order to assess the quality of education - „Yes` (35.1%; n = 74) and „More likely yes` (19.4%; n = 41). The main reason for refusing to register (57.3%; n = 121 of respondents) is `Lack of time`.
Conclusions: The survey shows the positive attitude of teachers towards signing up for a System for Assessing the Quality of Education. A considerable part of the respondents highlight the lack of time and that the anonymity is not guaranteed as the main reasons for refusing to register. High is the relative share of respondents who are likely to use a mobile application for filling out online surveys. According to the lecturers, `additional qualification` and `improvement of the facilities` are the main factors for improving the quality of education.
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