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Приложение на операционни изследвания и информационни технологии - нови подходи към управленските решения

T. Стоев, K. Kаналев


Operations Research (OR) is a scientific approach aimed at analyzing the problems in decision making. The purpose is to provide a rational basis for decision making by understanding and structuring of complex systems and use this understanding to predict the behavior of systems and improve their use.

By analytical and numerical approaches mathematical and computer models of organizational systems involving people, equipment and procedures are developed and manipulated. OR is an interdisciplinary branch of applied mathematics that uses advanced analytical techniques such as mathematical modeling, statistical analysis and mathematical optimization to determine the optimal or near-optimal solutions to complex problems associated with decision making. Often these problems are limited to determining the optimal value - maximum profit (performance, yield) or minimum cost (loss, risk) in terms of real performance criteria.


operations research; numerical approach; computer models and organizational systems

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