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Водещи ценности на здравеопазването в национална здравна стратегия 2014- 2020

K. Герасимов, Р. Горанова-Спасова, E. Радев


Healthcare is a system of medical and non-medical activities aimed at preserving, strengthening and improving the physical and mental health of the individual, the group and the society. Modern healthcare systems, as a result of the historical development of societies, are based on the values and goals and progress of these societies.

A health insurance system operates in Bulgaria. Contributions to compulsory health insurance are defined as a percentage of a certain income and are paid jointly by the participants (workers, employers and the state). The values of the healthcare system differ in their nature from the values in medicine. Healthcare needs a holistic value frame, unified approaches, methods and means to achieve its goals.

Some of the leading values of our healthcare system are the high quality of the medical and non-medical services, the accessibility of these services for all citizens and the fair distribution of resources in the healthcare system.

The aim of our research is to analyze some of the leading, general values of the healthcare systems that are prerequisites for their existence, their stability and the type, volume and quality of services they provide and are reflected in the National Health Strategy 2014-2020.

An empirical sociological study was conducted to achieve the goal. The method used is documentary, examining the main theoretical sources in the field of public health ethics and health management ethics, and the National Health Strategy 2014-2020.

The analysis of the documents confirms that the main health values are laid down in the National Health Strategy 2014-2020. In all policies, basic values must be followed - accessibility, high quality and fairness.


values; healthcare; National Health Strategy

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