Protection of public health is an obligation under article 152 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Community and improving safety, security and protection of citizens against health threats is a priority in the health policy of the Community.
The health policy of the European Union supplements the national health policy of the Member States and guarantees the access of European Union citizens to quality healthcare. The EU objectives in the field of Health care are promoting healthy lifestyle, disease prevention, protecting the people from serious cross-border threats, securing patient safety, supporting modern technological health systems, determining high standards of quality and safety in medical services, ensuring the quality and effectiveness of medicinal products and medical devices. The purpose of this article is to explore and analyze some aspects of EU policy on the priority of public health within the organization. A documentary method has been used.
There is a great number of challenges facing the EU and its citizens that need to be overcome in order to build quality and sustainable healthcare. The EU has a multilateral and purposeful policy of managing current healthcare problems. Specialized policies have been established in order to deal with Member States' demographic features, chronic diseases, cross-border health threats, creating clear rules on the authorization and distribution of medicinal products, general rules and procedures for donating blood, tissues, cells and organs.
The initiating of new technologies in healthcare and the formation of eHealth have been promoted.
Healthy European citizens are a top priority and an objective of the EU and to achieve that well-coordinated policies must be pursued. Protecting the health of the population is the key to the prosperity and the rise of the Community.
Договор за създаване на Европейска общност, Рим 26.03.1957г.
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