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Неравенства "център-периферия" при стандартизираната смъртност в България

Виржиния Aтанасова


Introduction: The inequalities "center-periphery" in standardized mortality have not been studied in Bulgaria. The presented research investigates for the first time inequalities related to standardized mortality at a regional level.

Material and Methods: Data for reason for death and demographic data for all 28 regions are obtained from the National Statistical Institute for the period 2000 - 2012.

Aged-standardized mortality rates are estimated with direct standardization using revised European standard population.

An absolute risk and Rate ratios RR (95% CI) are calculated for men and women comparing the region with highest and lowest mortality rate.

The impact of socioeconomic factors on inequalities has been studied by variables such as GDP per capita, unemployment rate, % of population living below the poverty line, % of urban population, % of school dropouts,

% of higher education, number of people per general practitioner.

Results: Lower standardized mortality rates are established for Sofia-capital (center) for most of the causes of death: all causes, circulatory system diseases, cerebrovascular disease, and еxternal causes of death.

Higher risk and unfavorable position of the capital in comparison with the other regions (periphery) was found for lung cancer (only for women) and for some localizations of neoplasms such as the colon, the prostate, breast cancer and the corpus uteri.

The income, urbanization, and education and belonging to higher social strata with a specific way of life are closely related to the standardized mortality rates.

Conclution: Regional mortality patterns are related to different area-level socioeconomic characteristics. Understanding the regional mortality inequalities is important for adequate future public health planning in order to achieve effective investments in health.


center-periphery; inequality; age-standardized mortality rate; regions; Bulgaria

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