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Проучване на нивата на физическата активност на зрелостниците на територията на град Варна и областта

Д. Найденова, Н. Йорданова-Стоянова


Introduction: One of the highest-risk groups for Hypodynamia is high school students in large cities where lifestyle predisposes them to reduced physical activity (PA).

Materials and Methods: Levels of PA were investigated with the International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ) among 401 adolescents at the age of 18 - 19 from Varna and the region. By the instrumental method bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA) % of body fat of the participants is measured and they are divided into three groups: normal body weight (NW), underweight (UW), overweight and obesity (OW). The measured body fats are compared with the standard for the same age and sex.

Results: Recommended levels of PA (moderate to high) were found in 79.90% of young men and 56.30% of girls. In 82.50% of young people with NW, moderate to high PA was measured. There was a tendency towards a rather high PA in females with UW and rather low PA in the OW group. The highest incidence of severe PA was measured in young women with UW (40%) and 51.70% of the females with OW were with low PA. Conclusion: UW is most common among girls with high PA (38.9%). This is the group with the lowest metabolic risk, but at the same time - with the highest risk of nutritional deficiencies. More than half of the girls with OW have low PA. The frequencies of UW and OW in men are almost the same in high and low PA groups. About of the adolescents with high PA are with OW, which could be explained by the more developed muscles through systemic physical exercise.


physical activity; adolescents 18 - 19 years old; underweight; overweight; obesity

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