Introduction: Time Management is a compulsory subject from the Master's programme in Rehabilitation, Wellness and Balneotherapy, studied at the Faculty of Public Health at the Medical University of Plovdiv. In the course of the studies the students acquire theoretical and practical knowledge and skills for efficient organization and planning of their professional activity.
Aim: The aim of the present article is to analyse to what extent the theoretical and practical training form actual skills for efficient management of the occupational process by means of preparation of an individual working time budget.
Materials and Methods: For the purpose of optimisation of the separate types of expenses of the working process, during their course of studies the students become familiar with time management tools and strategies. Each student develops an individual budget for the work day, providing the activities with their specific description, the necessary and actual time for the completion of each of them, as well as their prioritisation. On the basis of the established rational organisation of labour, an adequate balance between the separate occupational activities is achieved.
Conclusion: Time management is essential for productivity and success at the workplace. The knowledge acquired in the course of studies helps the students to organise their work day routine and prioritise tasks both in their clinical and management practice.
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