Introduction: An undeniable fact is that the role of the health care managers in the management of turnover is complex and multifaceted. Healthcare managers should combine both leadership skills and management skills to motivate and retain nurses.
Aim: The aim of this paper is to establish how the perspective of health care managers delegating powers influences nurses' perspectives on turnover.
Materials and Methods: The opinion of 413 nurses and 41 health care managers from the university hospitals and other hospitals in the North-East region was studied. A total of 11 types of wards and clinics characterized by high workload intensity were surveyed. The data were statistically processed with SPSS v. 20.0 for Windows. Results: Data suggest that managers who delegate the authority of autonomy in work and provide the opportunity to participate in decision-making will limit turnover not only within the health care establishment but also staff transfer to other establishments (p<0.001). Almost 70% of nurses who say they definitely want to advance professionally in the country say that they "very often" and "always" have the opportunity to individually organize their work (p<0.001). The nurses, who express their strong readiness to quit the profession, in 61.90% of the cases have "almost never" and "never" been able to participate in the decision-making process (p<0.001).
Conclusion: The presented summary showing the cause-and-effect relationship for turnover, outlines the need to apply approaches for efficient management of turnover.
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