Introduction: General practitioners are the specialists who provide medical service to newborns and children under the age of one. In their team the role of the nurse is still not clear enough
Aim: The aim of this article is to identify the obstacles in provision of health care to children and to identify the nurse`s role in overcoming these difficulties.
Materials and Methods: In three regions in south Bulgaria in order to represent three ethnicities - Bulgarian, Turkish and Roma - we researched the opinion of: a) mothers (242) by `face-to-face` interview concerning preventive cares for their children; b) nurses (188) working with children on community level. Statistical methods are applied - descriptive, for assessment and verification of hypothesis.
Results: Differences in the count and quality of the provided services are monitored when comparing cities and villages (Р<0.05). Irregular service - 3 visits a year or less - is recorded for 16 newborns (6.61%) - all of Roma origin. Statistically significant differences are found in the capacity of children consultations concerning residence: 15.6% of the village children receive partial anthropometric measurements. There are essential differences in the conditions in which children are raised and also in the mothers` satisfaction from the service including advice that they receive for feeding and care differs regarding their origin - the most satisfied are mothers of Bulgarian origin - 75.8% and only 48% of Roma origin, while 47.3% of mothers think that they need additional care and more often patronage visits. Nurses confirm that service is not provided equally as number of visits and quality in the big cities and in small villages.
Conclusion: In order to overcome the difficulties and inequality in the provision of preventive health care service it is necessary to work together with the families in risk and also to delegate more functions and responsibilities to the nurse, acting separately and with the general practitioner.
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