The profession of the medical laboratory technician is characterized by a high risk spectrum at the workplace. Young professionals who still have not yet gained experience are especially susceptible. The aim of the present study is to establish and analyze the level of awareness of students from the Medical Laboratory Technician program at the Medical College-Varna regarding occupational risks and safety conditions, associated with the profession.
More than 80% of second- and third-year students are interviewed. Almost all of them claim to be aware of the risks at the workplace. This information has been received by the students during their education, within the studied specialized disciplines. However, it appears that a significant proportion (between 30-50%) did not describe either the consequences of the indicated health hazards or the main prevention methods. Half of the respondents acknowledge that they need additional information on occupational health and safety. Almost everyone feels that it is appropriate for the information to be provided through seminars by specialists in the topic.
Awareness in the learning process is an important element, forming high personal responsibility and health culture and helps to protect the health and employability of future medical technicians.
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