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Самооценката на студентите и практикуващите медицински сестри относно теоретичната им подготовка за получаване на информирано съгласие от пациентите

Aнна Георгиева, Мариана Димитрова, Станислава Павлова, Веселина Василева


Introduction: Along with the growing role of nurses, a number of challenges and unresolved issues have been determined in nursing practice, including informing and obtaining patient consent. Training nurses on the issue of informed consent is one of the ways to overcome them.

Aim: The aim of this article is to examine the self-assessment of students and nursing practitioners regarding their theoretical training to obtain informed consent from patients.

Materials and Methods: Attached is the analysis of literature, documentary and questionnaire method. This paper examines the opinion of 290 students, graduate nurses trained in MU - Varna and MU - Pleven, 320 nurses working in the hospitals for active treatment in Varna, Dobrich, Ruse, Silistra and Shumen. The survey including graduate students was conducted in the period 2008 - 2014. The representative survey with practicing nurses was conducted between 2010 - 2014.

Results and Discussion: Half of the future and current health professionals consider their knowledge very good, and little more than a quarter of students and one fifth of healthcare professionals described it as good. At the same time, more than a quarter of nursing practitioners and a fifth of graduate students think that their knowledge is excellent.

Conclusion: The knowledge of nurses on issues related to patients` informed consent is an essential factor in optimizing the process of informed consent and in attracting the patient as an active and full participant in the care process


knowledge; nurse; patient; self-assessment; informed consent process

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