Media is a powerful tool not only for forming public opinion, but also for influencing the public health. The information that users of the media product receive changes not only attitudes, it can change behavior, promote and develop health culture, and vice versa – negatively affect not only personal but also public health.
In the 21st century of wide-spectrum communication, the question of media`s responsibility for the information provided and the human behavior caused by it comes to the fore more and more. The article provides an answer to the question of which topics from the field of health care are most covered by the national media. They are derived based on media monitoring of national televisions, radio stations, newspapers and online publications for a 3-month period. The starting point of the research is the classic postulate in journalism "good news is bad news". The evidence serves to reject or accept this thesis. Media language was examined and data provided on whether journalists' coverage and attitudes towards certain topics were positive, negative or neutral. Based on the research, recommendations have been made to health institutions on how to proceed, so that the scientifically reliable and accurate information they wish to provide to the public, can reach the media more easily.
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