The article presents а project development as part of the "Appeal of the Catholic Church in support of Ukrainian refugees in Bulgaria", implemented with the financial support of Catholic Relief Services – an official international humanitarian agency of the US Catholic community. The agency relieves suffering and provides support to people in need in more than 100 countries, without regard to their race, religion or nationality. It puts an emphasis on methodical work upon mastering the A2 level of proficiency in Bulgarian. The duration of this training is 120 hours and it is completed with an exam. The groups formed are intended for people who have received a refugee status.
The textbook used during the training – "Welcome to Bulgaria" (2022) really guides the foreigner in the new realities, without generating idealized perceptions of the surrounding Bulgarian environment; it captures the essential components of this reality, while managing to present the Bulgarian world in a synthesized form, and provides knowledge about the Bulgarian language and its grammar in a way adequate to such initial synthesis of ideas.
Желязкова, Д. 2022: „Добре дошли в България“. Български език за бежанци /рускоговорещи/. Пловдив: Димитрия Желязкова. // Zhelyazkova, D. 2022: "Welcome to Bulgaria". Lingua Bulgarica pro profugis/ loquentium Russiae/. Philippopolis: Dimitria Zhelyazkova.
<Учебна програма по български език за възрастни, търсещи или получили международна закрила. Министерство на образованието и науката.>, status 02.09.2022 г.//, Die 23.09.2022 [status 23.09.2023]