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Petya Raykova, Daniela Tancheva


The choice of the concept space blindness is dictated by the fact that it is an essential building block in both the physical and the mythical-religious world of man. The object of the study are the characteristics of the concept blindness as a source of metaphors in the Bulgarian language. One of the goals of the study is the level of verbalization of abstract concepts structured through the space blindness, to investigate the mediating role of metaphor in the interaction between ideal reality and material reality and to determine the place of metaphorical conceptualization in the linguistic consciousness of native speakers of the Bulgarian language. Another goal is at the level of being manifestations of the blindness of identifying the basic semantic features that characterize the types of connections between the source-space and target-spaces. The task is to investigate the behavioural motivation of metaphors related to blindness. The methods and procedures of analysis within the framework of the cognitive approach the relationship is traced between concrete/abstract meaning – lexical form – bodily/cultural experience. The specifics of using these metaphors as a means of knowing the reality and as a tool for organizing the human experience are determined.


concept, metaphor, frame, script

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