According to the Common European Framework, the study and use of language in a particular professional field sets the context of language communication. In view of this, the Medicine Curriculum organizes medical vocabulary and grammar on topics that include parts of the human body, organs and systems, major diseases and symptoms, medical history and treatment.
The article examines the lexical approach in the teaching and learning of medical vocabulary and terminology by foreign medical students. This approach helps to master vocabulary in context and improves language competence, which is a key goal of learning.
Strategies for learning vocabulary are presented by indicating the main collocations of words, their inclusion in the most common phrases characteristic of medical communication, as well as the use of ready-made phrases in oral and written texts.
The following exercises and tasks are offered, through which the learners will expand their vocabulary. When performing the exercises and tasks, various learning strategies are used, through which speech automation is achieved.
The article outlines the contribution of electronic didactic materials not only for learning new vocabulary, but also for strengthening the phonetic, morphological and grammatical rules.
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