The History of Jacobo Xalabín (La historia de Jacobo Xalabín) is a medieval anonymous novel written in the Catalan language. According to the latest research, it dates between 1492 and 1536. The narrator takes us to the court of Sultan Murad I in 1387. Sultan Yakub's first-born son rejects the love of his stepmother Isa Celebina, as a result of which she falls ill. Advised by the only doctor who discovered the cause of her illness – the Jew Kir Moshe, in order to cure her, they planned the death of Yakub Celebi.
Although the inclusion of Isa Chelebina's illness in the narrative is only one of its elements, accurate conclusions can be drawn from the narrative about the level of modern medical practice at that time in the examination of patients, the treatment of identified diseases and the imposition of certain stereotypes regarding the qualifications of doctors in different countries. Added to them is the clearly expressed personal attitude of the author towards certain ethnic and religious types – the Christian wife of the ruler Isa Celebina, and the doctor from Constantinople, the Jew Kir Moshe.
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