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Conference Proceedings


Gergana Petkova, Veronika Kelbecheva


Latin for specific purposes is a basic academic discipline that is taught at the Medical University of Plovdiv. Although  Latin is considered as “dead“language, it is fundamental in the study of many modern university disciplines such as law, medicine, linguistics, and others mainly because it builds up the structure of terminology and nomenclature bases.

This article aims to describe the feature perspective of teaching Latin for specific purposes and to explain the need for new types of grammatical and lexical exercises as well as test questions in teaching Latin. Examples given in MCQ pattern in three languages: Latin, English, and Bulgarian for specific purposes are based on criteria regarding Bloom’s taxonomy.

Students’ feedback on digital practice tests in Latin for specific purposes is described and the authors’ future work is outlined. For depicting the process of investigation, the target groups of students were given sample tests for self–practicing and self–evaluation. A questionnaire invented for feedback and recommendations was developed, shared for online answering and analysed after. Conclusions gathered focus on the need of implementation of practical tests in medial Latin teaching; the positive results in advancing of students’ knowledge and improving their skills in professional terminology.


: practice tests in Latin for specific purposes, Latin language assessment and self-evaluation, medicine, dentistry, pharmacy

Full Text


Иванова, В. 2022: Нов поглед върху формата за тестване по специализиран латински език. Езиков свят/ Orbis linguarum, Volume 20, Issue 2, с. 306–307.

Петкова, Г. 2020: Тестове за подготовка и самоподготовка по латински език със специализирана терминология за студентите от специалност „Медицина“, „Дентална медицина“, „Фармация“, „Медицинска сестра“ и „Акушерка“ . Част 1. Азбука, произношение и ударение; първо склонение, второ склонение, прилагателни имена по първо и второ склонение; сложни клинични термини от гръцки произход. Пловдив: Коала Прес.

Петкова, Г. 2021: Тестове за подготовка и самоподготовка по латински език със специализирана терминология за студентите от специалност „Медицина“, „Дентална медицина“ и „Фармация“. Част 1. Азбука, произношение и ударение; първо склонение, второ склонение, прилагателни имена по първо и второ склонение; сложни клинични термини от гръцки произход. Пловдив: Коала Прес.

Петкова, Г., Л. Репаш. 2022: Тестове за подготовка и самоподготовка по латински език със специализирана терминология за студентите от специалност „Медицина“ и „Дентална медицина“. Пловдив: Коала Прес.

Ivanova, V., G. Petkova. 2022: Use of digital practice tests in foreign language education for specific purposes. Language – Profession – Science – 2.1. Book of Proceedings, p. 537–550.

Petkova, G. 2020: Tests for practice in class and self–preparation in Latin and specialized terminology for students of “Medicine”, “Dental Medicine”, “Pharmacy”. Part 1. Alphabet, pronunciation and accentuation; first and declension – nouns and adjectives, complex clinical terms (Greek by origin). Plovdiv: Koala Press

Petkova, G. 2021: Tests for practice in class and self–preparation in Latin and specialized terminology for students of “Medicine”, “Dental Medicine”, “Pharmacy”. Part 1. Alphabet, pronunciation and accentuation; first and declension – nouns and adjectives, complex clinical terms (Greek by origin). Plovdiv: Koala Press

Répás, L., G. Petkova 2022: Tests for practice in class and self–preparation in Latin and specialized terminology for students of “Medicine” and “Dental Medicine”.


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