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Gergana Fyrkova


The latest findings in neuroscience prove some essential facts about neural data processing. Modern narratology proves how important stories are not only in our daily lives, but also as a means of learning. Stories reveal everyday actions, emotions, but also the overall cultural context in which they were created. The use of narrative forms (movies, mininovels, commercials...) in the learning of languages is based on the understanding of our consciousness as essentially empathic, flexible and a priori narrative. In this way, language learning can be very effective, transforming from a difficult process into an entertaining and exciting activity. Engaging with stories provides opportunities for a pragmatic approach to the foreign language. It stimulates the imagination and emphasizes the connections between language, thought, and culture. Commercials and film narratives make emotional references to human longings, eternal dreams, and also to a range of modern day problems and pains. They also provide rich material for a variety of language exercises as well as for the analysis of social and cultural codes.


language learning, storytelling, advertising, culture, communication

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