The present article aims to classify the mistakes made by first year students of Pharmacy, Medicine and Dental medicine in the course of Latin language and medical terminology. The terminological competence in the field of medical science is important for the students both for their further training and their future professional development as medical specialists.
The difficulties faced by first-year students in mastering the terminological basis are manifold: the complexity of Latin grammar, the specificity of the artificially created terminological language, the lack of philological attitude of the learners, etc. Among the most common grammatical challenges are mastering the principles of term formation in anatomical, clinical and pharmaceutical terminology, as well as basic grammatical rules.
We do a systematization of the mistakes made by the first year students as evidenced by the midterm tests and final exams on the Blackboard electronic platform. Their analysis is the key to revealing the specific difficulties in learning Latin medical terminology as well as to identifying mechanisms for solving the problems and achieving effective results in learning process.
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