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Zhulieta Videnova


Physical culture is part of the general culture of society and represents a complex social phenomenon that is an integral part of it. It develops simultaneously with material and spiritual culture and has complex and multifaceted connections with different areas of human activity. Physical culture is a set of values that are used in social practice for the purpose of physical improvement of the personality.

In this scientific paper we have studied and summarized the main components of the physical culture system that characterize it, as well as the goals and objectives we have as sports educators for the wider penetration of physical activity and sport in people's everyday life as essential components of the modern model of healthy lifestyle. The healing, educational and educational functions of sport as an integral part of the processes of social development and its constructive role in overcoming political, racial, religious and other forms of discrimination are examined. Sport as a social phenomenon is organically linked to the various spheres of human activity, which makes it more and more part of the programs for cultural, educational, social and health development and defines it as a social phenomenon.


physical culture, sports, education, physical activity, health

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