The World Health Organization defined health as "a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not necessarily the absence of disease or infirmity.
Health and medical prevention are all measures taken by health professionals and society as a social organization to protect and prevent the spread of risk factors for diseases and their complications among the population. It is a set of medical and non-medical measures that are taken to achieve better health and quality of life, by isolating risk factors, preventing diseases, reducing their consequences and premature death.
Aim: To investigate and analyze the opinion of students from Medical University - Varna regarding their health prevention during their studies.
Material and methods:
Documentary analysis and direct anonymous poll.
Results: From the survey conducted among students from the University of Varna, we can draw the following conclusions:
1. Of the 201 respondents, almost half claimed that they did not use their right to one preventive examination per year at their general practitionerr for taking an anamnesis and complete objective status, laboratory tests of blood and urine, filling in a questionnaire. Only with this statement, 20.1% shared that within a year they visited their personal doctor for preventive examinations.
2. Almost all respondents, with few exceptions, agree that their lifestyle, risk factors and diet have an impact on the eventual discovery of a new disease.
3. Over 80% of the respondents regularly measure their vital signs for the purpose of self-control and health monitoring.
4. The majority of respondents indicated that their psychological stress decreased after they received the necessary information about their health after a preventive examination.
Conclusion: In conclusion, the students share that prevention is important, but they do not have the opportunity to go for examinations due to insufficient time.
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Национална стратегия за психично здраве на гражданите на Република България 2021 – 2030 г.,
American College Health Association Chung-Ang Journal of Nursing