extremely emotional moment. That is exactly why the influence of the work environment on the emotional state and mental balance in their lives is important.
The purpose of the present study is to determine the opinion of the midwives from the Specialized Hospital for Obstetrics and Gynecology for Active Treatment "Prof. Dr. Stamatov", Varna, regarding the influence of the work environment on the emotional state and mental balance in the life of the midwives.
The following methods were used in the research - sociological, as 40 midwives from SHOGAT Varna were interviewed individually, voluntarily and anonymously. Statistical method used in the analysis of the results of the own study. Documentary method, by analyzing literary sources dealing with the subject of the present study.
The results of the conducted survey show that a large number of respondents (61.4%) face a lot of stress at work. Also, 82.5% believe that interpersonal relationships in the workplace affect the quality of work. But a very large proportion (77.5%) feel functionally efficient in the activities they perform. Most of the respondents say that the work, no matter how busy it is, has not dulled their emotions (37.5%).
The conclusions we draw after the conducted study show that the influence of the working environment on the emotional state and mental balance in the lives of health professionals is observed.
Дойкова, Ст., Синдромът бърнаут при работещите в сферата на социалното подпомагане. Сп. „Психологически изследвания” 1/2011, стр. 47-63, ISBN 1311-4700.
Станчева-Попкостадинова В., Синдром на прегряване – някои теоретични аспекти, Психосоматична медицина, том ХIV, 2006, №1, 14.
Тодорова, М., В. Михайлова, Професионална удовлетвореност и психоемоционално прегряване при медицински специалисти, Управление и образование, том IV (3) 2008, 168.
Психично здраве за медицински лица: среща със студенти от Плевен, https://astraforumfoundation.org/psihichno-zdrave-studenti-pleven/