In the information society of today, healthcare reforms demand novel thinking and accurate use of medical terminology. The globalising world finds its direct expression in the wide layer of medical terminology, nominating new concepts and processes. Modern dermatological terminology is a layer of the lexical fund with its specific features. Considering their current stage of development, dermatological terms are widely distributed in the field of healthcare, in medical practice, on the Internet, etc.
During the last two decades, dermatological terminology has been continuously replenished with numerous new lexical devices as a result of the development of medical science. These are both words and complex terms or phrases that are established in the specialised field of medical professionals.
The purpose of this study is to analyse modern dermatological terms and draw conclusions and generalisations. It is based on images taken from the Internet (electronic textbooks on dermatology and medical journals, the Bulgarian online magazines Health magazine, Health World magazine, Allergology and Dermatology magazine, Lechitel.net, MD magazine, the websites lekar.bg, Мedinfo.bg, etc.).
term, dermatological terminology, linguistic analysis, Internet, linguistics
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