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Health Economics and Management

Ergonomics assessment of an accountant`s workplace as a management option for a worksite health prevention

Teodora Dimitrova, Zornitsa Zlatarova


A basic characteristic of workplaces with video display units is the high dynamics of modernization and the possibilities for ergonomic optimization. In a prophylactic ergonomic intervention, occupational medicine is a management option for improving the quality of work by reducing the incidence of negative health outcomes. By implementing ergonomic managerial decisions, it is possible to achieve good health and workability. The study aims to make an ergonomic assessment of the workplace of an operational accountant and to provide management decisions for health prevention. 97 people with an average age of 34.72 ± 8.96 years were interviewed, of whom 7 (7.2%) men and 90 (92.8%) were women. The most common health complaints in the past six months, according to the survey are related to back pain (77.1%) that reasonably can be connected with that work chair does not provide good support for the lumbar region of the spine. A secondary is the headache (74% of respondents), followed by shoulder pain (67.7%), eye problems (55.6%), neck pain (64.6). The most common are complaints of  headache (87.0%) in the youngest trainees (up to 5 years working experience) and those from 5 to 10 years (83.3%) compared to the ones with the longest working experience (57, 1%) (p <0.017 and p <0.016).The managerial task is to organize workplaces and furnish them in cooperation with competent persons in the field of occupational medicine and ergonomics. This will have a good effect on both the health and working capacity of workers, but also on labor productivity. The organization of the work and rest regime is also important for good efficiency.


workplaces; video display units; ergonomics

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