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Health Economics and Management

Kinesitherapy in Health Promotion and Management of the Disease

Stanislava Bogomilova


The functioning of the human in norm and pathology is without any doubt carried out in two qualitatively different states – health and disease. The delimitation between health and illness is variable and it is difficult to determine subjectively whether the person is healthy or ill. Prevention is an opportunity to make this delimitation clearly visible, preventing the onset of disease through its various options – medication or non-medication influence, including treatment by movement (kinesitherapy). The purpose of this article is to explore and present the possibilities of preventive kinesitherapy in disease management. Kinesitherapy is considered as a system of activities for recovery (fully or partially) of physical and intellectual abilities, improvement of the functional state of the organism, improvement of physical qualities, psycho-emotional stability and mobilization of adaptation mechanisms through active and passive kinesitherapy, natural and preformed physical factors, balneo treatment and therapy etc. The methods and the means of kinesitherapy are targeted/aimed at prevention and recovery of the functions of organs and systems in the body, improving its physical, mental, professional and economic completeness, which manages the disease and improves the quality of life of the individual.


kinesitherapy; health prevention; disease management

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