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Health Economics and Management

Kinesitherapy Management of Overweight in the Child’s Age

Stanislava Bogomilova


Various studies in recent years have identified an epidemiological increase in the number of overweight and obese children, which necessitates a collaboration of a team of different specialists and the development of more effective prevention and control programs. The study was conducted at „Prostor“ – Varna in the period 2016-2017, where 85 overweight and obese children were examined. The participants were allocated to an experimental group of 44 children who were subjected to the „Advanced Fit Ball“ methodology and a control group of 41 children to whom the „Classical Fit Ball“ methodology was applied. The purpose of this article is to investigate and present the effectiveness of the Advanced Fit Ball kinesitherapy program for overweight children. The methods and means of our proposed methodology are aimed at the prevention and restoration of the functions of organs and systems in the child’s body, improving the physical, mental and emotional state, thereby improving the quality of life and managing overweight in childhood. The results of the study show a significant reduction in body weight, percentage of body fat, waist circumference, both immediately after the end of the program and one year later, which shows us the effectiveness and sustainability of the „Advanced Fit Ball“ methodology for overweight children.


advanced fit ball; overweight; children; kinesitherapy management

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