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Analysis and assessment of the bulgarian pharmaceutical industry for manufacturing of medicinal products in human use

Galina Petrova, Valentina Belcheva, Evgeni Grigorov


One of the main activities related to the provision of medicines is their production. Historically, it has been performing in the pharmacies over a very long period of time. After the beginning of the economic revolution and the initiation of the industrial production of the commodity, a separate drug manufacturing has appeared. To this moment, it is considered a self-sustaining branch of special importance for the system of health.
Participants in the pharmaceutical industry in Bulgaria are local and foreign companies that have invested in the manufacture of medicines and active substances. The article examines and analyzes the manufacturers/importers registered in the territory of our country with respect to the main types of dosage forms – sterile, non-sterile medicinal products, biological drugs, clinical trial медицинес, infusion solutions and the type of packaging, storage, certification and release. The economic zones/regions for planning in Bulgaria were used as a comparison. The interconnection between the planning regions and the number of production facilities has also been investigated.


analysis; assessment; Bulgarian pharmaceutical industry; manufacturing of medicinal products; human use

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