Scientific Online Resource System

Health Economics and Management

Vol 21, No 1 (2021): Health Economics and Management

Cover and Contents PDF


Management of the process of blood and blood components supply in a pandemic situation in the Northeast region PDF
Janina Ivanova 3-9
On the need for legal regulation of acupuncture practice in the Bulgarian context PDF
Paraskeva Mancheva, Denitsa Grozdeva 10-15
Respiratory rehabilitation to improve quality of life in patients survived after COVID infection PDF
Nikolay Nedev 16-19
The consultation of patients in choosing phytopreparations and food supplements PDF
Denitsa Grozdeva, Yoana Rosenova 20-23
Behavioral models for enhancing health-related habits in patients and society PDF
Kristin Kaloyanova, Nikolay Mihaylov 24-36

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