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Heart - Lung (Varna)

A case of loeffler`s endocarditis parietalis fibfoplastica and chronic eosinophilic leucemia

A. Angelov


We are presenting a case of the Loeffler`s endocarditis related to hypereosinophilic syndrome, which occurs very uncommon in temperate climate conditions, and has the typical haemodynamic of a restrictive cardiomyopathy.

Löffler`s endocarditis parietalis  fibroplastica (LEPF) is a rare case of a secondary restrictive cardiomyopathy, which often is  considered  together with endomyocardial fibrosis. Despite the presence of similarities between the two, there is      a prevailing opinion that they are to be considered separately, and the reason is based on geographical and clinical differences between them. Loeffler`s endocarditis diagnosis is based on the presence of the combination of hypereosinophilic syndrome, symptoms of severe congestive heart failure and typical echocardiographic findings.


Löffler`s endocarditis parietalis fibroplastica, restrictive cardiomyopathy, hypereosinophilic syndrome

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